Responding to Veterinary Workplace Violence
An audience-focused, discussion on preparedness in the veterinary workplace.
Virtual Coworking & Entrepreneur Support Workshops
Our Friday coworking times are meetups are virtual community spaces and events intended to build and support our community of medical entrepreneurs.
Our virtual (via Zoom) community rooms host a variety of community-building and curiosity-stimulating programming and are open to our cohort of colleagues. Whether you’re looking for some colleague connection while tackling your list of to-dos during our virtual coworking events or looking for practical entrepreneur-directed informations from one of our workshops - join us!
We’ll make sure you feel right at home.
Responding to Violence in the Veterinary Workplace
Emergency management and conflict management are frequently difficult topics, though when presented in an audience-focused way, a healthy discussion usually results.
Mike Hemond joins our Jan 24th Friday colleague connection meeting on Jan 24rd to facilitate a workshop on how to respond to violence in the veterinary workplace. The goal of this community discussion is to support ourselves with information, gain knowledge of how to keep our patients safe, and continue to serve even in the face of constantly evolving challenges.
With 20+ years as a law enforcement officer with assignments in uniform patrol, crime scene processing, major vehicle crash reconstruction, major crimes investigation, fugitive apprehension, and other high-school resource assignments, Mike brings two decades of experience to answer our community’s questions and raise our preparedness.
This workshop will include some scenario-based exchanges, open community dialogue, and actionable steps for participants to engage with after the event.
Please bring your questions and experiences to discuss with the community during this event.
Register for this community workshop here.
We hope you can join us!
January 24rd 4-5:30p MT
Cost: $35 (sliding scale on registration page, contribute anything you can)
About the Facilitator: Mike Hemond
BS (Biology), MS (Human Relations and Organizational Design), GC (Conflict Resolution)
Mike Hemond currently reside in northern Vermont with my incredibly intelligent and dedicated wife. He works full time in human healthcare investigations, part time as an adjunct professor at a local college, and have a few hobbies to keep me busy in my spare time.
Mike retired from my first career in 2020, and currently am a criminal investigator focusing on healthcare investigations of abuse, neglect, exploitation and fraud.
An enormous thanks to Mike for this incredible workshop.
I already have action items I'm taking to keep myself, my own family, my practice, and my patients safe - by being prepared. 💕 🐾
Mike has provided us with these additional resources!
1. Stop The Bleed:
2. Narcan/Naloxone:
4. CISA De-escalation:
5. Vanderbilt De-escalation:
6. Run/Hide/Fight:
8. Active Shooter:
9. Online Meetings:
10. Online Meetings: