Welcome to our two guests on the March 7th OfficeHours session - we’re building community - asynchronously, together - thanks for being here.
In this episode, Dr. Casara Andre chats with Dave Crawford Co-founder and Executive Director for Animal Help Now and Taylor Smith, Disaster Recovery Specialist, Forest Therapy Guide and Death Doula for Animals.
Listen in!
Check out these links and references mentioned throughout the conversation:
Outdoor enrichment for companion felines
JuneBug’s new kitty backback, equipment, and safety for feline outdoor exploration, upcoming Kitty Hiking Club sessions in Colorado
The CuriosityCube at the Lafayette Waypoint … video of Silas hunting in the grass last year
Feline Disaster Preparedness | Town of Superior Colorado
Animal Help Now and the new Pet Help and Rescue (PHAR) app.
Emergency (rescue) and non-emergency (help) needs for community animals. Effective disaster response is only possible with strong communities, diverse social networks, and animal ally engagement.
“Beyond the Neighborhood” approach to support the help and rescue needs of our community animals.
Interested in helping build out these programs? Calling all programmers skilled with ObjectiveC and SWIFT UI !!
Check out VolunteerMatch to connect and volunteer!
or connect with Dave directly - 303-324-5861 or davidc@ahnow.org
Disaster preparedness | The importance of community networks
The Marshall Fire, Boulder County 2021 | About
Front Range Veterinary Medical Reserve Corps (FRvMRC) - Veterinary disaster preparedness & response in the Front Range of Colorado.
Pre-evacuation training for animals, the importance of including animals in preparedness practice
Rover Ready | Town of Superior Colorado
Feline Preparedness | Town of Superior Colorado
The Preparedness Collective | June 16-22 Disaster Exercise
Community evacuation practice - June 22nd 10a-1p MT - will you practice with us this year?
Conscious animal guardianship | training, preparation & shared communication
Taylor Smith - Disaster Recovery Specialist | Forest Therapy Guide | Animal Grief Doula | Offered Services | Shoutout Colorado Feature.
“learn their language” - how does your animal communicate with you?…they know your language, do you know theirs?
“all animals have their own voices” - we should work to better understand what they are already communicating - in their own, non-human voices.
Care & support to working animals
June 16-22 event - service animal respite areas, veterinary first aid to therapy dogs
Injuries unique to service animals - emotional, mental, and physical - animals take on and carry our emotions for us and are at risk of psychological as well as physical injuries. Allow animals to express their own needs.
Grief processing, rituals for pet life-death transition
Taylor Smith - Forest Therapy Guide and Animal Grief Doula | Offered Services | Shoutout Colorado Feature.
Anticipatory grief
Courageous love
Supporting the animal housemate that has lost their fur-family-member
What options are available for animals to process grief?
Drumming as a modality for grief processing
Care for the Healer - Community Grief Vigil. Past and Upcoming.
“Thank you!” to BOTH our amazing guests!
Want to join in an OfficeHours session or have a question for a future guest, reach out! —> learning@cultivatewellbeing.health
Chat soon! 💕🐾 Dr. Casara Andre
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