
Veterinary Medical Entrepreneurship | March Office Hours

Behavioral medicine, ECS support, patient journalling tips, the complexity of the nervous system, and cutting edge cannabis research ideas - join us for an intriguing conversation.

Dr. João Gewehr and Dr. Casara Andre share conversation during our March Special Edition Office Hours - Veterinary Entrepreneurship. Special guest Tania Costa RVT, CCRP, CAAP, CVPM, CMT, VCC joins the conversations for a fun, inspiring, and curiosity-stimulating discussion.

Our conversation topics range from compassionate education approaches for pet parents in animal anxiety cases and “how can I explain this better…" tips to suggestions on how to build your own patient journal program and promote client compliance and journalling success.

Also, Dr. Gewehr speaks about his most recent research endeavors and the leading edge of cannabis research and clinical medical applications.

Check out these links and references mentioned throughout the conversation:

  1. “Neurons that fire together, wire together”

    1. Neurons grow at 1mm a day!

    2. A neuron growing - wow! A steady pace of clinical progression is needed for success in behavioral / anxiety cases - change takes time.

  2. How-to create a graph to visualize patient and case progression over time using pet parent journal entries. Google Forms and Google Sheets

  3. Endocannabinoid System (ECS) support during acute stress to prevent maladaptive pain. Recorded lecture from the 2024 World Congress on Planetary Health by Dr. Conny Mosley.

  4. Form template: Animal Stress Assessment / ECS Assess form

Next month - April Office Hours —>

The next Veterinary Medical Entrepreneur Office Hours with Dr. Gewehr - April 1st 10-11:30a MT. We’ll chat again about Dr. Gewehr’s research, answer community questions, and chat with community members that join the session!

See you next month!

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